Eat it by the spoonful or show restraint and serve it with a side of fritters. This charred cherry tomato salsa won’t last long so treble the recipe and keep it in the fridge to be ready for your cravings.
Tomato Salsa
- Pour 1 Tbsp of olive oil into a bowl.
- Add a handful of halved cherry tomatoes and some fresh thyme.
- Toss to coat and then tip them into a hot cast iron pan and sizzle for 5 minutes.
- Tip the tomatoes back into your bowl and add a chopped garlic clove, a splash of your favourite vinegar, some capers and finely chopped fresh parsley.

Fritter Ingredients
- 1 Tb olive oil
- 1 shallot finely diced
- 1 courgette coarsely grated and drained in a sieve to remove excess moisture
- 1 egg
- 2 Tb flour
- sea salt
- Recipe
- fresh soft herbs
Fritter method
- Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan on medium heat.
- Add the shallot and cook to soften for a couple of minutes.
- Remove from the heat.
- Meanwhile, put the shredded, drained courgette and egg into a bowl.
- Tip in the softened shallot.
- Mix with a whisk, fork or spoon to combine.
- Add in the flour and mix again.
- Season with salt and fresh herbs.
- Heat the pan to a low/medium heat.
- Add 3-4 dollops of mixture and pat down so that they are like small flat pancakes.
- Cook until golden on the base – around 3 minutes. Flip and cook to colour the other side and cook through.
- Remove and serve with sour cream and tomato salsa
Recipe: The Fearless Kitchen
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